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New Zealand scholarship winner announced  

AA Insurance Product Proposition Manager Toby Kelly has won this year’s Insurance Council of New Zealand (ICNZ) and Australia and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF) Scholarship. 

He topped the competition with his essay on generative artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential insurance applications – the topic chosen by organisers to decide this year’s winner. 

Mr Kelly will be awarded $NZ10,000 ($9345) to attend an international conference or seminar program for winning the scholarship. 

“Toby’s essay demonstrated original thinking and a comprehensive analysis of the opportunities and obstacles associated with leveraging AI to optimise industry practices,” ICNZ CEO Tim Grafton said. 

“ICNZ and ANZIIF will continue to promote this scholarship and provide career development opportunities to the New Zealand insurance industry.” 

ANZIIF outgoing CEO and judging panel member Prue Willsford says previous winners have described the opportunity to attend an international conference or seminar as career changing. 

“We are proud to help Toby further his professional career development.” 

The ICNZ and ANZIIF Scholarship is an annual scholarship that aims to recognise outstanding insurance professionals who demonstrate potential to become industry leaders.