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Broker helps resolve four-year battle over dodgy roof repairs 

A broker has helped a rural client gain compensation after their insurer carried out poor-quality repairs to a hail-damaged roof.

The NSW client lodged a claim under a farm policy in 2018 and HDI Global Specialty arranged for a repairer to work on their house. However, the repairer “installed incorrect roof sheeting materials”.

Offers and counteroffers have been exchanged but the claim could not be resolved and was taken to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.

The authority says the repairer acknowledged the roof repair was not like-for-like and in September 2019 offered $9345 compensation.

The complainant’s broker requested $59,261, based on a carpenter’s quotation, saying there was visible warping, and the lighter sheets used were less durable and significantly reduced the roof’s lifespan.

The repairer offered to replace the roof but the complainant did not want the same company to carry out the work, and further disagreements stalled any resolution.

The complaints authority has ruled that due to the lengthy delays, a cash settlement is most appropriate “in full and final settlement of the incorrect sheeting and other minor repairs”.

It ordered HDI to pay $40,000, plus $2000 for non-financial loss due to the “unusual degree of stress and inconvenience” caused by the faulty repairs.

“The outcome is fair as the insurer is required to comply with the terms of the policy and [it] provides the opportunity for finality and closure after four years,” the authority said.

Click here for the ruling.