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NSW consults on industrial manslaughter laws 

The NSW Government wants business groups and experts to provide feedback on industrial manslaughter laws as it works towards new legislation.  

The state announced last year that it will introduce laws that mean businesses or individuals can be held liable for workplace deaths arising from reckless or negligent behaviour. NSW is the only mainland state that does not have industrial manslaughter offence laws. 

As part of the consultation, SafeWork NSW has introduced a paper proposing up to $18 million in fines and lengthy prison sentences as potential penalties for employers. 

Stakeholder groups can complete a survey or upload submissions online until March 18.  

“Any workplace death is a tragedy and in cases where a person with a duty of care has been careless or irresponsible, they must be held accountable,” NSW Work Health and Safety Minister Sophie Cotsis said. 

“It is important the views of members of the community, including business, industry, representative bodies and workers, are considered before the introduction of industrial manslaughter laws.”