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icare says premiums to adjust to wage changes

NSW state insurer icare has warned that injured workers wanting to return to work may find accessing medical treatment and support is “strained” as Australia’s health system battles the COVID-19 outbreak.

Adjustments to premiums to reflect changes in wages are also required, icare says.

“Our investment returns are already being impacted, and premiums will need to promptly adjust to wage changes,” icare says. “We will balance the state of the economy and individual business challenges with long-term financial sustainability.

“Getting people in a position to be able to return to work may require different approaches.”

icare has a strong financial position with $39.8 billion in assets. It says while financial markets are being severely impacted, “we do not need to over-react to large-scale movements.”

Assured payments will continue for injured workers, claims can still be lodged, case managers will still respond to calls to address queries, employers will still be able to reach icare staff and carers will still provide support.

“We have been actively working with many customers during this time to help as much as we can, whether it has been managing policy adjustments, rescheduling medical appointments or ensuring the continuity of care,” icare says.

Investment in a single claims platform enables icare oversight of the pattern and nature of injury claims and provides “the agility to manage remote working effectively”.

More challenges are likely as the nature of work changes through this period for a wide number of industries, it says.