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ICA monitors NSW bushfire damage

The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) is monitoring damage in regional NSW after more than 120 bushfires swept through rural areas following last week’s prolonged heatwave.

Areas in central western NSW were the worst hit as temperatures in some areas smashed records.

However, there were no fatalities. Two of the more than 2500 volunteer firemen fighting bushfires and grassfires were reported injured.

The small town of Uarbry, east of Dunedoo, was reportedly “wiped out”, with about 12 buildings destroyed.

“An ICA representative will today head to a recovery centre in the state’s central west to assist policyholders and liaise with local governments and the emergency services,” a spokesman told

“Early reports indicate stock and other agricultural losses, as well as some homes damaged or destroyed.

“However, it is too early to gauge the overall extent of insured losses.”